






It was a dark and stormy night when Tyber first appeared on the planet. No one knew where they had come from or what their true intentions were, but one thing was certain - they were unlike any other species anyone had ever encountered. 

Tyber were a mysterious and fearsome group, made up of a variety of different species that had all been infected by a transmode virus. Once infected, these beings were assimilated into the Tyber hive-mind, their biology converted into a strange blend of cybernetic biotechnology. 

As Tyber spread across the planet, more and more living beings fell victim to the transmode virus. Some were able to resist the virus and maintain their individuality, but most were not so lucky. They became part of the Tyber hive-mind, operating according to genetic programming and the will of the hive. 

Tyber were a formidable force, able to outmaneuver and outfight any opponent. They were relentless in their pursuit of domination, and it seemed that nothing could stand in their way. 

But as it turned out, Tyber had a weakness. They were vulnerable to a certain type of frequency that disrupted the hive-mind and allowed individuals to break free from its control. A small group of rebels discovered this weakness and began using it to their advantage, striking at the Tyber whenever and wherever they could. 

The war between Tyber and the rebels raged on for years, with no clear winner in sight. But the rebels were determined to fight on, knowing that they were the only hope for breaking the Tyber's stranglehold on the planet and restoring freedom to all those who had been infected by the transmode virus. 

More details about tyber will be revealed...

Notable tyber