






Mutants were a diverse and varied people, with wildly varying biologies depending on the nature of their mutation. These beings were distinguished by their distinctive traits in regard to biology, physiology, and genetics, which set them apart from other humans. Some were born with extraordinary physical abilities, such as super strength or the ability to fly. Others had more subtle mutations, such as enhanced senses or regenerative powers. 

The origin of Mutants was a mystery to many. Some believed that they arose as a result of spontaneous mutation, a sudden structural change within the DNA of a gene or chromosome that resulted in the creation of a new character or trait not found in the parental type. Others theorized that they were the result of experiments gone awry, or even the work of higher powers. 

Despite their diverse abilities and origins, Mutants were often misunderstood and mistrusted by the rest of society. They were viewed with suspicion and fear, and many struggled to find acceptance and understanding in a world that did not fully understand them. 

Mutants remained a mysterious and misunderstood people, their true nature and abilities known only to a select few. But to those who knew them, they were a diverse and remarkable species, with unique and extraordinary abilities that set them apart from the rest. 

Notable MUTANT